Missing a financial deadline can have negative consequences on your finances that go beyond just paying penalties. For example, if you don’t set up a solo 401(k) by the tax filing deadline, then you could miss out on an entire year of retirement savings and the...
Read through this post on how longevity impacts retirement planning and Financial Freedom or skip to the AllGen Academy video below. The Top 4 Reasons Why People Fail to Reach Financial Freedom Even with good intentions, there are some common mistakes that people make...
Read through this post on how longevity impacts retirement planning and Financial Freedom or skip to the AllGen Academy accumulated assets video below. The final and probably most common component of Financial Freedom is accumulated assets, the lump sum that you have...
Read through this post on how longevity impacts retirement planning and Financial Freedom or skip to the AllGen Academy longevity video below. Longevity Another major consideration when planning for Financial Freedom is longevity, the number of years you’re...
Read through this post on how inflation impacts retirement planning and Financial Freedom or skip to the AllGen Academy inflation video below. Inflation Inflation is a critical part of planning for Financial Freedom. As we discussed in the previous lesson, anticipated...