Missing a financial deadline can have negative consequences on your finances that go beyond just paying penalties. For example, if you don’t set up a solo 401(k) by the tax filing deadline, then you could miss out on an entire year of retirement savings and the...
Key Takeaways: Millions of people across the United States have forgotten 401(k) retirement accounts. Rolling over the 401(k) into an IRA or a new 401(k) can help to maximize your investments. Diversified investment accounts tend to perform much better than those that...
Key Takeaways: Your 401(k) or other company retirement plan should be invested based on your unique circumstances like your time horizon and risk profile – not what your friends or co-workers are invested in. Consider investing in a target date fund because it is like...
Read through this post on how longevity impacts retirement planning and Financial Freedom or skip to the AllGen Academy longevity video below. Longevity Another major consideration when planning for Financial Freedom is longevity, the number of years you’re...
Many look forward to getting a tax refund every year. It can feel great to have a sudden influx of cash from the government that you can use to pay off some debt, save toward a goal, invest, or even just buy something fun for yourself. However, if you’re getting a...