Many look forward to getting a tax refund every year. It can feel great to have a sudden influx of cash from the government that you can use to pay off some debt, save toward a goal, invest, or even just buy something fun for yourself. However, if you’re getting a...
AllGen’s Co-Founder Jason Martin is back with a special year-end video about tax-loss harvesting and how it can be used to mitigate taxes from realized capital gains. What Is Tax-Loss Harvesting? Tax-loss harvesting is the selling of securities at a loss...
A brand new Tax Court Memo ruling gives us yet another glimpse into how the IRS defeats Family Limited Partnerships (FLPs). See Estate of Gore v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2007-169 (6/27/07). After transferring funds to the FLP, the decedent did not execute any other...