Many look forward to getting a tax refund every year. It can feel great to have a sudden influx of cash from the government that you can use to pay off some debt, save toward a goal, invest, or even just buy something fun for yourself. However, if you’re getting a...
AllGen’s Financial Analyst Ryan Staton is back with more information about tax-loss harvesting and how it can be used to mitigate taxes from realized capital gains. Gains, Losses, and Income Investments tend to fluctuate in price over time, with the ultimate...
Modern investing technology has put the power of investing into the hands of the masses, giving nearly any individual with an internet connection access to global markets at their fingertips. With almost zero investment experience or industry knowledge, a person can...
Read through our market commentary here, or skip to Jason’s March 2022 Market Update video below. It is important to understand that no one can predict the future, not even us! What we do as money managers is to research the most probable outcomes and how to...
AllGen’s Co-Founder Jason Martin is back with a special year-end video about tax-loss harvesting and how it can be used to mitigate taxes from realized capital gains. What Is Tax-Loss Harvesting? Tax-loss harvesting is the selling of securities at a loss...