Key Takeaways: Investing in gold is pure speculation as there are no cash flows backing it nor does it earn a yield. Although it may be tempting, it is usually never a good idea to sell more than 10% of your portfolio to invest in gold. In small percentages, investing...
Read through our market commentary here, or skip to Jason’s January 2023 Market Update video below. Nearly every broad market category began 2022 at or near all-time highs. Following COVID-19 shutdowns back in 2020, markets saw record stimulus with uncomfortable...
Read through this post on cash, cash equivalents, & alternatives or skip to the AllGen Academy cash equivalents video below. A third major asset class is Cash and Cash Equivalents, which consists of: Checking and savings accounts Money markets Bank reserves Super...
Modern investing technology has put the power of investing into the hands of the masses, giving nearly any individual with an internet connection access to global markets at their fingertips. With almost zero investment experience or industry knowledge, a person can...
Read through our market commentary here, or skip to Jason’s June 2022 Market Update video below. While stock prices have historically gone up, markets are no stranger to volatility, bear markets, and recessions along the way; 2022 has been a sobering reminder of...