There are several different vehicles that you can use for college savings. (View our previous college funding blog for more info on your options!) Once you have decided which savings option is the best for you, the next step is to determine how much money you need to...
What Is College Funding? College education is a significant expenditure for most consumers. Recent statistics show that the average student loan debt is $46,459 per person1. For the 2020-2021 school year, a public four-year degree from an in-state institution costs...
What Is an Emergency Fund? An emergency fund is a predetermined amount of cash set aside to cover expenses in case of unforeseen events such as unemployment, disability, illness, automobile repairs, medical deductibles, etc. An emergency fund is not an investment but...
Happy New Year! Who is this article for? As we enter another new year, with more new year’s resolutions and plans, we wanted to touch on an important topic to factor into your financial fitness regimen: the Emergency Reserve Fund. This is such a critical step...