Greetings Allgen family!

We hope you are enjoying your summer.  Having recently celebrated America’s Independence Day, we thought this is a great opportunity to expound on “freedom” as it relates to financial freedom for all generations.  At Allgen, we fulfill our mission and realize our vision when we help you achieve your vision of financial freedom.

To that point, we continue to invest in all things Financial Planning related.  Financial planning is how we help you achieve/enjoy financial freedom.  Allgen is working on educational videos related to each stage of the financial freedom path; foundation, formation, and freedom.  In addition, we are working on having our website reflect this visually while offering valuable tools and information available to you 24/7.  In the meantime, let’s get back to the big picture.

Ahh, financial freedom

What is your vision for financial freedom?  What does financial freedom mean to you? Assuming you are financially secure and your finances are sustainable, you are/would____ (fill-in the blank).   From our side of the financial planning table, we hear a wide range of desires and aspirations ranging from providing the basic essentials of life to solving global challenges; to having time to volunteer locally; to going on mission trips with the purpose of bringing running water to communities; to chartering fishing excursions; to sharing faith and traditions with grandchildren.

Financial Freedom may mean and look different to you than it does to your neighbor but I trust that the words we use to describe how it makes us feel are similar.  We are happy at a deeper level because we feel our life has meaning and fulfillment; and Allgen appreciates being invited to serve as a wise adviser along the way.

As you enjoy these dog days of summer, we encourage you to spend time further crystalizing your Financial Freedom picture.  For inspiration imagining, take a note from Olaf.

If you have seen Disney’s film movie “Frozen” you can relate to that feeling of fulfilling your heart’s desire in the character of the lovable snowman, Olaf. The song, “In Summer” Olaf tells us all the things he would do if he could experience the season of summer.  He is almost transformed (pun intended) from the joy and eagerness as he pictures himself in experiencing summer. Frozen “In Summer” song — Official | HD Link: